Last night, a friend of mine shared with a group of us girls a story. The story was about her brother, and his love for the game of hockey. The story was also about the sickening, gruesome things that happened to him in the locker room.
Because I want to protect my friend and her family, I will not share everything here; it is also too graphic to post on a blog.
Because he would not participate in these graphic and sickening acts, he was then forced to "reep the consequences" by his fellow teammates. What they did was not okay. If this had happened in a classroom, just a short walk from the locker room, the teacher and students would suffer severe consequences. Yet because this all took place in the locker room and it's passed off as "boys will be boys", they receive no such punishment. Why is this?

There are two things that stick out to me.
First, I can't understand how this "hazing" can't be punished. The administration has known about this. It is required by Minnesota state law to both report and punish these actions. Yet people stand by and act like it isn't a big deal, when in all reality, this harassment has caused my friend's brother and their entire family severe emotional damage, so much so that professional counseling is sought. Why is nobody doing anything?

Second. I laugh at my friends when they make a suggestive joke. It's passed off as sarcasm. To the outside world, this isn't something to feel guilty about. It's just another joke. We see them all the time in television shows. The Simpsons, King of the Hill, even FRIENDS reruns. Yet now I see that even these can hurt people. Maybe not directly, but if I were in the presence of my friend and her brother, it would be a different story. I would not laugh. I would not even smile. Instead, I would look to her and her brother with eyes that wish to comfort.

My friend loves her brother. It's tearing her apart to see him being put in these situations, harassed by his teammates and no one to listen to his cries to make it stop. As an older sibling, myself, I understand the need to protect, and the feeling that when a younger sibling is hurting, you hurt yourself. She feels this, and it is ripping her heart in pieces to see her brother battling harassment with no one to reprimand and punish those who are doing it.

I beg everyone, first, to look in their own lives. Are there things being said to people who find it hurtful?
I then make a plea, to everyone, that when you see or hear of harassment, don't just stand around, waiting for someone else to make the call first. Be the one that yells at wrongdoers. Be the one who puts an end to the harassment. It's wrong. No if's, and's, or but's. It is wrong. Period.
In today's society, we have a tendency to look at things from a relative perspective, and with an "open mind." But there comes a time when an open mind just won't cut it anymore. An open mind does not change the fact that any type of harassment is wrong, and an open mind does not change the actions that cause severe emotional trauma.
It is not okay. Stop it now.