Ladies and Gentlemen of the world. There is a revelation I need to share. I am not perfect. Nor are you. Crazy idea isn't it?
Before I continue, please just know that I am being honest, which is something I am trying to do more of. Give me some credit for sharing this with you; It's not an easy thing to do.
I have grown up shopping bargains and clearance racks. I don't have extra money to spend on shopping a lot. I can't afford a COACH handbag, or Prada sunglasses. Most of my clothes are usually worn until either they don't fit or until they start getting holes in them. I eat a lot of macaroni & cheese, spaghetti and cereal because I am too "cheap" to spend my money on expensive (but delicious and healthy) foods. I pay for my own cell phone, my own travel money, and basically anything I want.
My body is also not perfect. My leg hairs grow too fast. My hair is too curly on the bottom, and isn't curly enough on top. My stomach isn't flat. I don't have the most beautiful cheekbones.
Sometimes I don't have the perfect manners I should have. I don't know what silverware to start eating with (although I do know to work from the outside in.) I sometimes say things that then three seconds later make me stick my foot in my mouth. I think I talk too much.
I am not perfect.
My grandfather and his wife aren't these people. They go on cruises an average of twice a year. Although they are in the process of retiring, they can still afford a number of things I can't. Somehow in my mind, I've built them up to be these perfect, prim and proper, fancy people. I am going to spend some time with them in a few short days. I am also meeting my step-grandmother's friends from the country club at a fancy dinner.
I became so nervous about this "meeting" that I literally began to feel sick, tired, and just heavy. It was constantly in my thoughts, and the more I thought about it, the more distraught and overwhelmed I became.
After having a mental breakdown at Target, my good friend Christine told me that I needed to spend time in the Bible. So I did. I can't tell you what a relief it was when God showed me that, yes, I am not perfect, but that's okay! Having designer purses and clothing doesn't make me a good person. Having the perfect body doesn't make me a good person. Even having the most proper of all manners doesn't make me a good person. I am a good person because God created me the way that I am.
What I am. God loves me the way that I am. So what am I?
I am caring. I love people in a way that most people cannot understand. I will fight to the greatest depths for any of my friends, and I truly believe that I am easy to get along with. I am not judgmental, and I love getting to know people and understand them.
I am beautiful. Yes, I am. Body fat, big and sometimes clogged pores, short legs, and big hips...I am still beautiful!! I have beautiful blue eyes, and a beautiful smile I inherited from my father. I have pretty hair when I do it right. I have small feet, and although sometimes I don't like that, I secretly do love them.
I do have manners, despite not having the most proper ones all the time!
I am creative. I create meaning through words, through photography, through dance, that I believe many can't do.
I am a talented dancer. I have this ability to portray the pure joy and elation I get from dancing. It's because of this that I have been able to teach students about dancing, and through teaching them dance, I have been able to be there and mentor them as they grow and learn about things in life.
Most importantly, I am these things because God created me, and Christ died for me. (Do you know any of your friends who have died to save your life?)
He has shown me what it feels like to be loved. And it's not even just an "I love you because of these things." It's an "I love you so so much because I made you, and it doesn't matter what you do and what you say, I will always love you."
It's because of this that I can show love to others.
So ladies and gentlemen, I propose this: We are not a perfect people. But we must learn to love what we are. Flaws, both physical and otherwise. We must love ourselves because we are loved! God loves you. You think that your past can somehow keep his love from you? Not true. He loves you beyond every single one of your flaws!
This pressure we put on ourselves becomes ridiculous...and we look at that as what we have to measure up to. Yet we can never attain it. And that's okay!
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