I love the color blue. I apparently love it so much I am writing about it. But the reason why I love it so much has more to do with it's versatility and beauty than just the fact that "it's my favorite color."

This has probably been one of the oddest topics I've ever written about, but for some reason it kept coming to me. So here I am, writing to you about how one color has made such an impact. Yes, odd it is, indeed.

Blue. It's the color of the ocean, the sky, and so much more...including my bedroom, currently. I recently painted my room blue and beige. I'm told they are the two most relaxing colors, and since relaxing is what you're really supposed to do in your bedroom, I decided to give them a go. I figured I'd put my creative mind to the test when I decided to mix those two colors to create an "on the beach" type of feel.

Growing up in Minnesota, I find myself drawn to the water. Two of my summers have been spent by a lake at a Bible camp, while countless other weekends have been spent at various lake cabins, lake-side campgrounds, and even paddling down the river. But it wasn't until just over two years ago when my family traveled to California where I discovered my love for the ocean. Even while we were there, I found myself constantly drawn to the beach-side for the calm and serene, yet powerful view. The waves crashing, the feel of the sand on your feet; It was then that I fell in love with the ocean.

So back to my room. They say your room should be a safe-haven, a quite resting place you can escape to when you need your alone time. It should be a place you feel comfortable and at peace. For me, it was the ocean.

Both interior designers and fashion designers alike have said that blue is one of the most versatile colors. It's easy to match, and in one shade, you get a color that has different emotions all blended as one.

My room is that versatile. I have only had my room like this for just a few short days, but already there's an understanding of just how one color can make you feel so differently. My shade of blue is bright and bouncy, yet deep and rich. It's happy and giddy, but also melancholy and thoughtful. It's exciting and adventurous, yet still so serene, peaceful, and comfortable. My mind still can't wrap around it. How can one color make you feel so differently? I can't even venture a good guess. All I can say is that this room makes me feel excited, yet calm at the same time. I love imagining the waves washing up onto shore as I drift off to a peaceful slumber, then wake to the same thing the next morning. Then during the day as I enter my room, it's a joy that abounds, almost making me feel like I need to go grab my swimsuit and learn how to surf. Yes, my shade of blue is a beautiful shade of blue. And with that, I will say no more.